கேழ்வரகு சர்க்கரையே விலகு ராகியில் பலகாரம் கால்சியத்தின் அதிகாரம் ழகரத்தின் அடிப்படையில் பெயர்பெற்றது 

Finger millet is an important primary food especially for the rural populations of Southern India and East & Central Africa. Finger millet or ragi can be grown under wide range of adaptation ie from sea level to hilly regions of Himalayas but thrives best under well drained, loamy type of soils. About 60% of finger millet is produced by the state of Karnataka which is about 34% of global production. Finger millet is a dwarf, highly tillering plant with characteristic finger like terminal inflorescences. The height of a mature plant ranges from 30-150 cm and the seeds are very small like mustard and are light brown, or dark brown or white in color. The crop matures in 3-5 months depending on the variety and growing conditions. The grains of finger millet are rich in quality protein having high amounts of tryptophan, cystine and methionine, fiber (10-15% dietary fiber), phytochemicals, calcium and other minerals

Rich source of calcium
Finger millet contains thrice the amount of calcium as milk1 and almost 8 times the amount found in other cereals. Bioavailability of calcium from meals prepared from finger millet is higher than from other wheat- and sorghum-based meals.

Suitable weaning food for children
The high levels of nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins and calcium makes finger millet-based complementary foods appropriate weaning foods for babies.

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finger millet(கேழ்வரகு) imagefinger millet(கேழ்வரகு) image